Friday, January 22, 2010

What I'm Reading

I received lots of books as presents this past Christmas.  Actually, I get lots of books for all holidays because that's what I ask for (I'm running out of shelf space).  The only problem is that I have so much to read for classes that sometimes leisurely reading is put on the back burner.

Luckily, reading is something I can do anytime, anywhere, and something that I will never get bored of doing.  Summer is usually a good reading time.  The only other problem with reading (and this is my own personal problem) is the fact that when I get a book that I like (and that's pretty much every book) I get so engrossed that I will spend hours and hours reading it until I am finished.  This usually means that whole weekends are lost because I am faraway at Hogwarts or wrinkling time or following symbols through Vatican City and Washington D.C.  It's an addiction for me, though I believe it's quite a healthy one!

As I mentioned, I ask for books as presents all the time.  This past holiday season I received some wonderful books that I've already started diving into, but unfortunately haven't had too much time to read them. 

Here is my list of those books that I hope to read this upcoming year (hopefully sooner rather than later):

  • A Wrinkle in Time boxed set (it includes A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters, and An Acceptable Time) I have of course read all of these before, but it's been a few years and Madeleine L'Engle is one of my favorite authors so I thought I should have them for my own personal library.
  • Alex and Me: How a Scientist and Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence--and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process by Irene Pepperberg
  • The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe 
  • Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
  • Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Animals Are Being Rescued from the Brink by Jane Goodall
  • Next of Kin: My Conversation with Chimpanzees by Roger Fouts and Stephen Tukel Mills
Of those, I have read one completely (actually I read and finished it on Christmas Day it was just that good) which is Alex and Me and I have also started A Wrinkle in Time.  The last book on that list, Next of Kin, I am reading for my Psychology class, but I'm still very excited to read it.

As you can see, I get lots of books, and finding time to read those is going to be tough. 

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